People make excuses everyday for not wanting to work out. Did you know that if you worked out for an hour, that would amount to only 4% of your day? Working out isn't as dreadful as some people make it seem. Exercising can be an outlet, a relief, it can put you in a great mood, and of course you can lose weight. So why all the excuses? Well first, here are the most common excuses that people give when not wanting to work out.
1) I don't have the time. (There are plenty of workouts that don't take up all of your free time. You have to pencil it in like you would any other activity.)
2) I don't see any results. (Just like with everything else that you do, things take time and consistency. Don't quit and stay on track and you will see results.)
3) I don't want/can't afford a gym membership. (Hello Beachbody! Beachbody workout programs allow you to workout in the comfort of your own home and get the same if not better results.)
4) Exercising hurts. (If you don't feel the burn, your muscles aren't working.)
5) I'm too overweight. (The only way you are going to lose the fat is by exercising....simple as that.)
6) I'm too old. (There is no age limit to exercising. My 55 year old uncle bench presses 315 pounds, so there is no excuse!)
7) Working out makes me hungry. (As long as you don't gobble down a burger or some cabinet snacks and eat something healthy afterwards, you are okay!)
8) I don't have a workout buddy. (You can't always wait on someone else to start working out with you. You have to find a support system, also taking initiative and responsibility will get you a head start on your weight loss journey.)
9) I'm too tired. (If you are tired, that usually means you have weak muscle strength and stamina, which indicates you should be exercising more.)
10) I have kids. (While your kids are out in the yard playing around, you could be playing right along with them. If your kids see that you are active, they will also follow. Once again, make time to do what is important.)
If you suffer from using any of these excuses to not work out, rethink on what it is that you want to change in your life and put away the excuses! As a Beachbody coach, I can provide you with the motivation, a team of support with people doing the workouts with you, nutrition and recipe tips, along with life changing weight loss results! Contact me with any questions or concerns that you may have about how you can stomp the excuses and begin the work on a brand new you!!
-Stay Healthy, Stay Happy
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