Friday, September 27, 2013

Don't Hit That Snooze Button!


Comfortable mattress, soft sheets, and lights out. Sleep is awesome. You wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated and ready to take on the day. However, as they say, too much of anything is bad for you. Sleep is one of them. Sleep has the power to revitalize your body, but if you get too little or too much, your body won't respond positively. Some causes of oversleeping are stress, lack of self-discipline, and poor sleep over a span of time. Did you know that there are some causes that need the doctor's attention? Let's look into the causes of oversleeping.

1) Sleep apnea is a sleep related breathing disorder that commonly affects adults, suffering from pauses in sleep or multiple respiratory interruptions.

2) Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that affects certain parts of the brain, controlling being awake and sleep. People who suffer from this have a difficult time distinguishing between the time to sleep and the time to be awake.

3) Medications can sometimes cause you to feel drowsy and sleep way longer than you should. 

4) Having a poor diet can make you feel sluggish, drowsy, and lazy. You aren't consuming the foods that keep you energized and more than likely not exercising.

5) Being overweight can sometimes cause you be an excessive sleeper.

Here a few tips to help you sleep the required amount of sleep every night.

  • Don't hit the snooze button and wake up immediately.
  • Keep your alarm clock at a distance so you HAVE to walk to turn it off.
  • Gradually decrease the amount of time you sleep.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Eat light and healthy breakfasts.
  • A cold shower would even help.
  • Don't overexert yourself during the day.

-Stay Healthy, Stay Happy

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