Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Healthy Eating On A Budget

Nowadays, with prices skyrocketing out of this world, eating healthy seems to be out of reach. As a fitness instructor and Beachbody coach, I love eating healthy to coincide with my exercise. Buying the most expensive, organic ingredients is not always possible, but there are plenty of ways you can save money without sacrificing quality.

Here are a few tips for healthy eating on a budget.

1) Drinking lots of water (8 glasses or 64 ozs of water daily)

2) It's better to eat several small meals daily to maintain energy than to eat three big meals
3) Cut down on alcohol and junk food (Cabinet Junkies beware!)
4) Limit sugar and salt intake
5) Stay away from processed foods
6) Don't skip breakfast! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day
7) Buy store brands if they are cheaper
8) Save money by cooking at home rather than going out to eat 
9) Stick to a grocery list and don't shop while hungry
10) Purchase foods in bulk and freeze what is leftover

-Stay Health, Stay Happy

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