Wednesday, December 18, 2013

How To Lose Weight In A Week


Most people want to lose weight as fast as possible. While there is no super sonic way to lose weight, there are a few things you can do to help you get a jump start and start to see some results pretty fast. No matter what "quick fix" you try to do, you should make lifestyle changes to see ongoing and constant results. The three things that center around being healthy and maintaining are: diet, exercise, and adequate sleep. Without these things, you are pretty much setting yourself up for failure. There are no magic pills, no fad diets, or potions that beat the most natural and long lasting remedies of eating right and working out! So here are a few tips to get you started on your way.

  • Take out absolutely everything in your diet that is not water. Drink, think, and sleep water. (Even drinking water before you eat will help suppress hunger and prevent you from overeating.)
  • EAT BREAKFAST. Most people don't realize how skipping breakfast can do harm to your body and leave you with minimal energy for the rest of the day.
  • Consume plenty of protein such as chicken breasts, eggs, fish, and nuts.
  • Exercise for 1 hour everyday. Add in cardio and interval training.
  • If you don't usually get much sleep, try sleeping for at LEAST 7 hours.
  • Try to aim for walking 5,000 steps everyday.
  • Get all the motivation you can because exercising and eating right with others can help keep you accountable and make the transition that much easier.

If motivation, meal planning, and accountability are a things that will enable you to get on the ball with your transformation, please visit and let's chat! 

-Stay Healthy, Stay Happy

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