Do you indulge in your favorite foods right before you go to sleep? Well, consuming certain foods before hitting the sack can interfere with your sleep pattern and keep you up all night. Over 40 million Americans already sleep for six hours or less, which greatly affects your health and well being, so it is important to realize that even the foods you eat can influence your sleep patterns.
Before drifting off into another world, leave these foods out of your stomach:
Alcohol. Sure, you may think that since if you consume enough, you will feel that super drowsy feeling and be knocked out in no time, but I bet you didn't realize that in your second half of sleep, the sleep disruptions increase. It can also have you feeling restless in the morning.
Ice cream. I am guilty of this one tremendously. However, I am lowering my intake before bed. That cold melody is filled with fats, and your body can't burn much before going to bed. Also, it's filled with sugar, which spikes your energy level and you should be resting.
Pizza/Pasta. All those ingredients can cause your digestive system to put in some overtime. The high acidic levels in the tomato sauce can trigger acid reflux and heartburn. So that means you would have to interrupt your sleep and pop a TUMS.
Celery. A healthy food is on here? Yes indeed. Of course it's filled with nutrients, but it is a natural diuretic. You will make quite a few trips to the restroom due to the increase in the rate of urination.
Fried Foods. Consuming fried foods before going to bed can cause acid reflux and abdominal cramps. So, pain interruptions and dealing with your stomach talking to you will surely leave you awake all night.
Pay attention to what goes in your stomach before bed and be sure to get 7-8 hours of sleep!!
-Stay Healthy. Stay Happy
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